See all the features that
are part of

Access the tools, features and extras that come standard in
to help your team better convert, engage, and retain more users.

Visitor Tracking

Get a better pulse on your users, with timelines, behavior tracking,
plus custom and dynamic events, tags, lists, notes and more.

User Profiles

All users have their own profiles that include a timeline, segments they belong to as well as personal data stored with their attributes.

User Behavior Tracking tracks every page view, event, plus other interactions your visitors perform, with the exact timestamp.

Browser & Device Info

Automatically gather information about the referring page, language, location, OS, screen resolution, device, and IP of your users.

Custom Events

See all custom events and track user behaviour like clicks, custom form submissions, and or purchases... etc.

Contacts Import & Export

Import your contacts from any CSV file or any other tool. If you use Intercom, import all your conversations and data directly from your account.

API Integration

Integrate your system with the API. Exchange and manage user data, connect it to marketing automation, plus more.

Segmentation & Filtering

Define and better partition your users to the perfect audience, 
with touchpoints that match their interests.

Dynamic Segments

Target specific groups of users as well as track sales funnels with dynamic segments that meet specific criteria.

Lists, Tags, and Notes

Create lists of contacts, assign custom tags, as well as add notes for internal communication.


Separate and see users that meet specific criteria by setting filtering rules without coding and in all in seconds.


The perfect platform to send dynamic interactions with your customers and be able to use all the data you've gathered

Custom Attributes

Create and define your own specific user attributes that work well to your company needs.


Opportunities can be easily dragged between any funnel you’ve set, plus all the sales info is connected to the users’ profile.


Access everything on your team that has been done to close a deal: meetings, calls, emails, tasks and more.

Company Database

The data about all your clients, partners and providers. Use the system to build info about past, present, and future deals.

Visual Pipelines

Manage your pipelines in a simple way to have a clear overview. Drag deals between sections to easily update a deal’s status.

Deals Reports

See an overview of sales conversion rates, number of deals on a given date or range, specific agent results, and more.

Email Reports

Get reports on the email activity of your sales team to see their performance, and check the status of sent and received emails.

Activity Reports

See the number of activities that were created or completed, plus check the type and the agent assigned.

Calendar Integration

Easily connect to your Google calendar and keep your system organized and integrated.

Connected Mailbox

Send and see incoming emails directly in, plus let other agents review messages when needed.

Permissions Management

Manage your team permissions with access levels assigned to each agent member, with groups or flexible options.

Loss Reason Tracking

Track lost deals, see ways to improve, and let your sales team know how they can refine their processes.

Deal Profiles

Check your deal timelines and history to track what has been already done and plan the next steps.

Deal Import & Export

Import your deals from any CSV file, or another tool, plus easily export and own your data.

Dynamic Currencies

Choose your preferred currency and get a view of your sales in that denomination.

Product Feed

See an overview or drill down with specifics on all your merchandise, from product events, to enhanced ecommerce see all the details at your fingertips.

Product Events

Just like custom events, see how your users are interacting with your products, with detailed information on product engagement.

Enhanced Ecommerce

With Enhanced Ecommerce implemented, it's easier than ever and you can integrate with in minutes.

Product Timelines

Each product has a timeline that makes it easier to see specific events correlating to that product, with the added ability to filter each of these events.

16 Event Types

Track 16 types of product interactions from purchase, add to wishlist, to reservations and more.

Simple Click To Call

Easily call your prospects directly from their user profiles, & personalize your script with details about behaviour from the website.

Product Categories

Filter and segment between many products faster with product categories - use it the same way as with the other items in your CRM.

Product Communication

Any of your products can be used to deliver communication as part of your cart recovery, recommendation and in other product emails.

Advanced Product Filtering

Dynamic product filtering based on events - get to know who and when a specific product was viewed, added to cart, purchased, etc.

Live Chat

Use the live chat widget to break the ice and communicate directly with your visitors, build relationships, and speed up customer resolutions.


Customize your widget so that it works well with your website and business type, from size, position, color, theme, to even the structure.


Get setup with sound and or push notifications and never miss any incoming message on chat.

Lead Generation Form

Easily collect email addresses, and be able to provide answers and continue the conversation even after the visitor has left your page.

Default Replies

Create a library of default replies, that chan be easily accessible from the chat panel, to give your team faster responses to customers.

Automatic Assignments

Organize your customer support setup and run customized rules to automatically assign your visitors to an agent.

Typing Preview

Get insights into your users thoughts and see real-time typing of what your visitors are writing even before they hit the send button.

User Notes

Easily add notes directly in any conversation, to get additional help, share information, or to notify another team member.

Short Agent Bios

Set the stage and share a few words about your team and inspire either professional, casual, or friendly conversations.


Add as many languages as you wish, to display chat text and prompts in any viewers' native language.

Multiple Message Modes

Display automatic chat messages in 3 different styles and see if one works best for your use case.

Proactive Chat Templates

Start a personalized chat message customized with dynamic and specific elements relevant to the page or call to action to break the ice.

Mobile Apps

Grab the free mobile app for iOS and Android and stay in touch, chat with your visitors even on the go.

Chat Message As Emails

Responses to customer questions will be sent as a follow up email after they’ve left the page.

Integrated Chatbot

Set automated rules to have the chatbot take over to push a specific page, or share a main call to action.

Agent Groups

Assign your team to specialized support divisions such as IT, sales or basic support in order to provide a high-quality support at each step of the user journey.

Email Marketing

Keep your users updated, and send personalized or company campaigns to your customers through email marketing.

Drag & Drop Builder

Drag and drop many different elements and sections in the email canvas builder - be able to send out company or promotional emails fast.

Templates supports HTML templates along with a wide range of out of the box templates that you can tailor to your needs.

Track Opens, Clicks, & Unsubscribes

See interactions from any email - use all the info in user profiles and trigger further with automations.


Send emails directly from your own SMTP, connected and integrated with the platform.

IMAP Integration

Connect your email inbox to and see all emails you get from prospects in the user profile timelines.

A/B Testing

Send multiple versions of an email message and get reports about results, so you can further enhance your effectiveness.


Add an unsubscribe button in your emails and let recipients easily unsubscribe from all messaging, or just a particular list.

Ecommerce Emails

Use users’ product interactions to create abandoned cart recovery emails, product reminders, & other messaging to boost customer LTV.


Create various subscriber lists, each with their own unique unsubscribe tags - to better manage, filter, and segment audiences.


The main backbone of the platform: a drag and drop canvas with automatic rules based on specific triggers, actions, and conditions.

No-Code Canvas

Leave coding for your dev team - with the automation creator everything can be clicked and dropped and moved around with the visual canvas.

Action Logs

View detailed logs to see data on any user, which triggers were fired, the conditions that were checked, or which action paths were taken.

Action Templates

Choose from hundreds of real-world examples of automations to get the canvas started fast, adapt it to your specific needs with any customization.


Choose from an unlimited number of different outreach campaigns, set A/B testing easily with follow-up actions, or after certain filters are met.

Automation Triggers

Start automation flows any way you wish. Use a multitude of different triggers in a variety of ways, and combine multiple starts together.

Page Visit

Start action paths when a person visit a specific page. Use an exact match or choose to activate the trigger if the URL only contains specific phrase.

Mobile Activity

Trigger an automation based on mobile activity or SDK integration that starts with an app activity or engagement interaction.

Incoming Message

Trigger based on an incoming chat message from someone visiting your website. Set automatic responses when you don’t respond for a given amount of time.

On Date & Time

Trigger an action path at a given date and time. Very useful for marketing actions planned, such as holiday discounts or product launches.

Event Trigger

The event trigger starts an automation when somebody clicks a given button, scrolls through your page or anything at all.

Product Event Trigger

Trigger and start the automation process when somebody visits, buys, likes, or many other things with one of your products.

Tag Added

Begin an automated process when the user is assigned a certain tag. For example, when a user receives a tag “Customer”, you can send him a welcome email campaign.

Tag Removed

Trigger when a specific tag is removed from a user’s profile. An example is when a “customer” tag, is removed to send a campaign about their cancelled subscription.

Added To List

Trigger nurturing emails when someone is added to a mailing list. Best example? When someone signs up for the newsletter, send a “Thank you” email.

Removed From List

Trigger when someone unsubscribes from a list, you can, for example, subtract some scoring points or send a chat message asking for the reason.

Pop-up Submitted

Trigger an automation to start when a popup has been submitted, so you can start the process and build a relationship with the visitor.


Trigger an action with an activity of a specific type is created or done, and follow up with additional processes.

Coupon Given

Trigger an action based on a coupon given out, add some filters and follow up to make sure you get the best out of your coupons given.

Deal Updated

Trigger on a deal update by a team member to start another deal, or filter to completion, or start a new action in the pipleine.

Deal Stage Change

Trigger an action when a deal is moved to a particular stage of your pipeline.

Note Added

Triggers an automation when a note is added to the user’s profile.

Client's Attribute Change

Choose an attribute you want to track and start the automation path when its value changes.

Ticket Status Change

Start a trigger based on a ticket status change.

Email Action

Trigger a followup based on a email action that has happened in the app.

Ticket Created

Start an automation when a ticket has been created in the system.

New User

Trigger an automation when you have a new user.

Conversation Changed

Triggers an automation when a conversation has changed.

Automation Conditions

Check if a user meets a specific requirement - customized and advanced filters are always at your fingertips to get the perfect segment.


This module enables you to filter your users depending on whether or not their attributes meet specific criteria. For example: customers from the UK who have high scoring and have been inactive for 30 days.

Split A/B

This module lets you run A/B tests or just split users traffic into two paths. You can decide what percentage of the traffic should be directed to each of the nodes.

Submitted Pop-up?

Use this condition when you want to check if a user has submitted information in a specific pop-up form.

Received Email?

It allows you to take action aimed solely at users who have or haven’t received a particular email campaign.

Visited Page

Act differently depending on whether or not a user has visited a page that contains or equals a given phrase.

Agent Responded

Check if one of your agents has replied to a question submitted by a user. Useful when your agents are away, but you want to show that you truly care.

User Responded

Check if the user has responded to any of your chat messages in a given time. It’s very helpful as the second message usually has a very high reply rate.

Email Action

Check if a user has clicked a given link in an email campaign. It helps you send reminders to those that haven’t.

IMAP Email

See if the user has sent you an email within a given period of time. It’s helpful for outbound mailing cadences and follow-up emails.


Check if the user is a part of a larger specified user segment such as “new visitors”, “clients” or “power user”.

Compare Attributes

Compare attributes’ values to see which one is greater or whether they are equal.

Phone Campaign Status

Check and divide your users based on whether they have a particular status on a given phone campaign list, and the agent assigned.


Limit the time your automation runs, from timezone, day of the week, or time period, to connect with your audience at the perfect time.

Check Global Variable

Choose and compare the values of your global variable and set up conditions based on the variable type and tags or static data.

Automation Chatbot

Create custom chatbot paths that fit all your needs. Choose from limitless possibilities and start the communication ball rolling.

Bot Message

Use the chatbot to send a message.

Answer Condition

Based on an answer pick a condition.

Assign Agent

Automatically assign an agent to the conversation.

Change Conversation State

Depending on factors you can change the conversation state.

Automation Actions

Use Actions to create any process, internally or externally, anything you wish to achieve after the user enters the automation.

Send An Email Campaign

Send an email when given criteria are met. It can also trigger further actions: for example, when an email is sent, when a recipient opens it, clicks a link inside or unsubscribes from your emails.

Send A Web Push Notification

Send a push notification, for example, to drive traffic and re-engage old visitors.

Send A Chat Message

Send a chat message to a user who has gone through the condition filtering. The content can include user attributes such as “Name” enabling you to automatically send a personalized message.

Agent Email

Notify an agent when a user performs a specific action such as completing a purchase, cancelling a subscription or posting a comment.

Update An Attribute

Change the user’s standard or custom attributes such as “Name” or “Company Size” to a given value.

Update Company Attribute

Change the company’s standard or custom attributes such as “Name” or “Size” to a given value.

Update Deal Attribute

Update a deal attribute along the pipeline, to automate the process for you and your team.

Create An Event

Send events within without any help from your IT department. Just choose its name and attributes you want to attach.


This module delays further actions for a specific amount of time. It is irreplaceable when your actions are distributed in time (perfect for drip campaigns!)

Change Score

Add or subtract scoring points. It helps you find people who are most or least valuable to your business.

Show A Pop-up

Boost your conversion potential by showing defined or filtered visitors a popup you configure and created.

Data Collector

Download information straight from your visitor’s screen without coding. You can, for example, collect information from contact forms the user fills out.

HTML Block

Personalize content of your page on-the-fly. You can place there elements that will include user attributes such as location or name.

Add To A List

Add users to a specific list. Useful when you want to add users to newsletters right on the sign-up.

Remove From A List

Remove users from a particular list. Useful when you want to remove users from newsletters.

Add A Note

Automatically add a note to the user profile. It can contain event data such as “bought product X” or “asked for a price quote for X”. This module can help streamline the sales and support process.

Add Tags

Automatically add tags to profiles of users who have completed the automation path. Having tags such as “VIP customer” at sight enables better customer support.

Remove Tags

Automatically delete a tag when some chain of events occur. For example, delete tag “Low price fan" when someone buys a product worth more than $300.

Create An Activity

Schedule any activity (price quote, email, call, meeting) in your sales rep calendar based on the user based on the user's behaviour.

Give Coupon

Depending on your goals and activities you can incentivise your visitors or customers with a coupon to upsell or start shopping.

Check Coupon

Check an action if a coupon has been used or not, to guide for different goals based on products.

Create A Deal

Automate adding a new deal to CRM once the visitor performs a task like signing up for a newsletter, downloading a free ebook or contacting sales.

Change Deal State

Automatically move the deal forward when the visitor performs a specified task. For example, move the user from “Verified lead” to “Client” when they purchase one of your products.

Change Attribute

Increase or decrease the value of some user attribute. For example, every time people visit a page including /product/ in the URL, increase the value of the “product viewed count” by 1.

Agent Mobile Notification

Notify your agents with a mobile notice to keep them updated with any given status.

API call

Send an API call once the criteria of the action path are met. It enables simple integration with any system.


Aggregate data from events and their attributes to keep track of anything you need.

Add To Phone Campaign

Add user’s number to the call center to let agents make a call immediately.

Send SMS campaign

Sends an SMS via Twilio or an SMS API. With 98% open rate text messages are very useful in many situations.

Push Notification

Send an instant push notification without the need to create a full campaign.

In App Message

Show pop-ups directly in your mobile application to inform or guide its users.

Finish Path

Use it to see how many visitors got through your action path to measure automation’s effectiveness.

Send Code

Implement tracking and other scripts automatically (e.g. add a tracking pixel to a visited website).

Update Ticket Attribute

Update an attribute on a user or customer ticket or ticket status.

Create A Ticket

Personalize content of your page on-the-fly. You can place there elements that will include user attributes such as location or name.

Show Web Push Prompt

Personalize content of your page on-the-fly. You can place there elements that will include user attributes such as location or name.

Send Web Notification To Agent

Personalize content of your page on-the-fly. You can place there elements that will include user attributes such as location or name.

Change Global Variable Value

Update to change a variable value.

Snowplow Collector Call

Update or collect your user data with Snowplow through the collector connection.

Add To Segment

Add a item or user to a given segment.

Remove From Segment

Remove an item or user from a given segement.

Haga crecer su negocio de forma automática

No pierdas el tiempo en tareas repetitivas. Deja que las automatizaciones se encarguen de ello.
¡Gracias! ¡Su presentación ha sido recibida!
¡Uy! Algo salió mal al enviar el formulario.