Empower your workflow with a ton of connected integrations

Connect all the tools that power your business
Quick Integrations

Quick and simple installations

User.com is easy to install and plays nicely with the apps you already use and love.
Basic Script Integration
Use this basic script integration - this will allow you to install the User.com app on any page or with any website.
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Google Tag Manager
Easily add different kind of services, javascript codes or just custom HTML to your website using Google Tag Manager.
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Wordpress Integration
This integration will allow you to install User.com on your WordPress page and enable your website to work with your app.
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JavaScript Integration
Front-end UI & UX integration. Useful for Vue.js, React, Meteor, Angular.JS and more, plus get ideas how to use the User.com code effectively.
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Magento Integration
Integrate your User.com app with your Magento store and increase your sales potential and increase your client engagement.
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PrestaShop Integration
Install your User.com app on your PrestasShop shop using our module and improve your sales, conversion, engagement and more!
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Instapage Integration
Install your User.com app on your Instapage and improve your conversion, visitor engagement and more.
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Kajabi Integration
Integrate your Kajabi with you User.com app and improve your sales potential and better engage with your users.
BigCartel Integration
Install your User.com app to your Big Cartel shop with a simple code and improve shop's sales, conversion, engagement and more!
Squarespace Integration
Easy integration to connect Squarespace and your User.com app will enable you to track your visitors, improve conversion, boost sales & more!
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Bigcommerce Integration
Install your User.com app on your Bigcommerce shop with this quick guide which will help you increase your sales potential and more!
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Weebly Integration
Install User.com on your Weebly page using the simple guide and be up and running quick with these simple tips.
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Tumblr Integration
Integrate User.com app into your Tumblr page in no time with our simple and easy guide to help you get started.
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Seidat Integration
Integrate User.com into your Seidat sales presentation platform through Zapier without using any code.
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Landingi Integration
Integrate User.com into your Landingi sales process and learn how to send leads to User.com with your landing pages.
Other Tools

Integrations with other tools

Well-known apps that work seamlessly with User.com
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Slack Integration
Enable more communication internally and with your team. -Integrate your Slack chat with User.com.
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Zapier Integration
Zapier is an extremely powerful and fun app to use, and you can trigger many different things both to or from Zapier - Here you can get ideas.
Facebook Lead Ads
Turn your new contacts from your ads on Facebook Lead Ads into contacts on your User.com app.
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Google Analytics
Enhance your stats, tracking, and measure your ROI with integration of Google Analytics with your User.com app.
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Airtable Integration
Airtable offers you a vast amount of possibilities and integration from spreadsheets and more to perfect your data with this integration.
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Typeform Integration
Create and or update your contacts in your User.com app from new Typeform submissions, and keep your form data clean.
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Trello Integration
Create new Trello cards based on new events in that are passing or being triggered in your User.com app.
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Google Forms Integration
Create and or update your contacts in your User.com app from new Google Form entries, and keep your form data clean.
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Gmail Integration
Create and send emails in your Gmail account after user takes a specified action triggered by an event in your User.com app.
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Google Calendar Integration
Pass event as triggers to add an event, add people, and more with the action with an event from your User.com app.
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Calendly Integration
Add or update the contacts in your User.com app based on triggers from new Calendly invitees or events.
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Stripe Integration
Create new events your User.com app when a Stripe customer is charged, or create a new customer when a User.com event is triggered.
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Freshmail Integration
Create new events your User.com app when a Stripe customer is charged, or create a new customer when a User.com event is triggered.
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Integrately Integration
Connect your User.com app and improve your workflow with 1000+ different integrations with 1 click using Integrately.
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Contact Form 7
Update customer data using our integration with Contact Form 7 to work with your Wordpress plugin and User.com
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Try integration with User.com and enhance conversions through instant customer engagement and tailored offers based on deep data insights.
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Integrate User.com with Aircall and keep track of phone calls with your clients, logging the call information directly onto the user's timeline.
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Connect our system with your Thulium platform to enable compatibility between the system contact center and User.com data.
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Send customer data and event insights from User.com to Amplitude, analyze them, create cohorts, and import these as user lists back to User.com for further actions.
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Track link clicks in Firmao-sent emails and monitor user activity on User.com to assess campaign effectiveness efficiently.

Contact importers

Integrate User.com with apps that will allow you to communicate better with your customers

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